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My Why 

Growing up in a family where no one had a STEM degree, I had no clue what engineering or innovation was. I wasn't the best student and I didn't have a passion for any subject. My life changed when I unexpectedly fell in love with the world of science fairs. An intellectual disneyland where being cool was about understanding the "why" beyond the world. I ditched my xbox for the lab, cold called university professors to borrow equipment I couldn't afford and self funded projects through a mixture of part-time shifts at Mcdonalds and hustling second hand electronics. With a little elbow grease and a chip on my shoulder, I went from a straight C student to winning $100k in awards and speaking on TED. 


As University rolled around the corner, a personal battle with my own health inspired me to pivot my career into healthcare. The problem was, going to work at a big medtech company felt too far removed from the impact I wanted to make. I had an unexplainable fire lit inside me and a ferocious curiosity to drive change. Not knowing how to solve this, I picked up the phone and launched a hurricane of cold calls to every person I found inspiring. After two years, and hundreds of incredible conversations with strangers, I met some of my dream mentors and realized that my true calling was to be around startups. Since then, I have never looked back, humbled by having the opportunity to find what a love to do at a young age. 


In the years following, I have had the great fortune to see healthcare innovation from a variety of different angles working as a biomedical researcher, clinical fellow inside hospital systems, product development engineer for startups, startup founder, and venture capitalist across North America and Europe. On top of this, I have and continue to spend thousands of hours being ferociously curious - studying and interviewing people in order to learn about the systems that govern the change in care delivery across both North America and Europe.


Using this knowledge, my goal is to make a monumental impact in the healthcare industry and spend every day doing what I love - working my ass off to help solve really hard problems with extraordinary people.

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